Ordonia square, 10th of Ramadan city

Contact Info.

+20 106 22 77 388

Hey friends,

Welcome to Aghadir

A world of fresh fruits and vegetables

Aghadir is a leading grower and exporter for all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits from Egypt to worldwide


We are assigning expertise in the line of fresh vegetables and fruits that are strictly selected after careful inspection in order to give our clients the competitive edge necessary to become unique in their market.


We aim to provide products that meet our clients own value and quality expectations. and we fully understand legislation , standards and inspections of every country we deliver our products to.

Quality and safety

We closely monitor the production process from planting to harvest.

We plant seeds in our land for you, grow them carefully, harvest them neatly, and deliver them to you wherever you are

Discover the incredible flavor of our citrus

Did you know that Egypt is one of the world’s most exporting countries for oranges?

Buyers Guide to Navel Oranges

Which type of our potatoes is suitable for your local market?
We grow a lot of types and varieties of Potatoes

Golden or red Onion

Egyptian Pomegranate has a citrus taste and is very juicy, how amazing it is

Our pharaohs ancestors were using egyptian garlic as a medication and to provide strength and increase work capacity

We live in and with nature

On both banks of the Nile we live and our crops grow

Currently in season

Pomegranate season started in August

It’s Dates Seasn

Sweet potatoes, Okra and cherry tomatoes

From Egypt

To The World Rest


Upcoming Season

Strawberry and Cauliflower Season is about to start, reserve your share

Orange and Pepper  Season is starting in November